Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Oh how often we either say it or hear it … “Too much to do, not enough time!”? I hear it and say it quite often. How do you manage all the tasks you have to complete in just 24hours? There are a lot of different methods on how to get chores and organizing done. Some have a strict schedule others just kinda wing it.


This week I would you to share how chores are done in your home. How you order your day with school and getting housework done. How do you decide which chores should be done by which child, of which age? I’m looking forward to hearing them!

All right HOMESCHOOL's my thing...I am terrible at organizing chores.

We tried managers of their homes and I love the thoughts but every day is so different from the next that I can't figure out how to get the schedule in with it.

I did love the nametags that were worn with the MOC system. The kids just took the cards out and lost them so they did no good!

Our system now consists of me waking up and thinking of all the things that get done, then telling the kids to do them. Great system huh?

OK, at least I can give you an idea of what they do most days...

just turned 8 boy...

Feed and water the dog, put away silverware in the dishwasher, swiffer sweep (when the floor is mostly clean and just needs dog hair up), vaccum (lightly), watch the baby in her childproofed room while I'm in the shower, wipe the table and counters, light clean the bathroom.

soon to be 10 boy...

all of the above plus feed and water the chickens, raise the baby chicks, help with the goats, put away the lower rack of the dishwasher and help load it too, light clean the T.V./sewing room, watch baby in her childproofed room while he reads while I'm helping the younger son with school.

12 1/2 year old girl...

all of the above plus watch baby and other kids when needed, all goat chores including milking, processing, and making cheese, baking and cooking (a batch or two of cookies, bread, and muffins each week), empty top dishwasher and load the rest, do the remaining dishes.

That's the basics and then we do other stuff here and there.


KarenW said...

My system sounds a lot like yours - make a list of what needs to be done that day. With my househole, it's usually the urgent things. Dusting waits until . . .

tammy said...

Sort of like us. I don't have a set day or time to do a certain chore. Most of our chore time is spent doing what needs to be done at the time. There are a few cleaning up your room, putting your stuff away, and taking care of pets...but the rest is just day to day.

Thanks for sharing!!