Friday, April 17, 2009

End of the year tests...a funny from Andrew

Well, we did one day of CRT testing so far. I asked the kids how it went and they were all very positive. Andrew even said that he sat next to a boy who didn't know very much so he helped him a lot. (ahhh, we didn't explain that part of the test,in our school we help each other understand all the problems so he had no idea.)

Also, his teacher said for them to count to 60 and see if they had 60 bubbles filled in at the end. He was very proud to tell me that he had 62 bubbles. LOL

So, I guess those results just went out the window huh?

I thought that separate bubble sheets didn't start till 3rd grade so I didn't have him practice. Oh well, live and learn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, I love it! Go Andrew! :)